lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Quake Global Expands Its ORBCOMM Related Business

ORBCOMM Inc., a global satellite data communications company focusing on two-way Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications and a leading provider of space-based Automatic Identification System (AIS) services, announced that it has entered into an agreement to sell the assets of Stellar Satellite Communications LTD., a wholly-owned subsidiary that sells satellite hardware, to Quake Global, Inc., a leading manufacturer of M2M based satellite and terrestrial communicators.

Through this acquisition and the planned continuation of Stellar's operations in Dulles, Virginia, QUAKE(TM) will establish an East Coast office. This will enable QUAKE, whose headquarters are in San Diego, to expand and improve its customer service and sales efforts. Stellar's strong presence products tailored to the transportation and trailer tracking markets will open new market segments for QUAKE.
Polina Braunstein, President & CEO of Quake Global said: "Adding Stellar's catalog of ORBCOMM modems to the already extensive line of QUAKE communicators will strengthen our long-standing relationship with ORBCOMM and will reinforce QUAKE's position as the leader among satellite M2M device manufacturers.The integration of the personnel and engineering talents of these two very experienced companies that were pioneers in the manufacture of satellite subscriber communicators will work to develop a new generation of smart modems poised to take full advantage of the next generation of satellites that are on the near horizon."
"We highly value our long-standing partnership with Quake Global and believe it is the best fit for Stellar and its customers," said Marc Eisenberg, CEO of ORBCOMM. "QUAKE's renowned track record for developing cutting edge modem technology and for supplying highly reliable, industrial grade hardware to the marketplace, have helped to propel ORBCOMM into the dynamic global satellite network it is today. Stellar's leadership position in transportation and cargo tracking is an excellent complement to QUAKE's success in heavy equipment and OEM telematics."

1 comentario:

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