miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

New internet via satellite service in Europe

A new market player plans to enter the consumer internet via satellite market in Europe: Aßmann Technology, based in Hanover, Germany, wants to launch a high-speed internet via satellite service for end consumers as well as small and medium-sized businesses at the end of the year.

With a data rate of up to 8 Mbit/s for downloads and up to 1 Mbit/s for uploads, the speed will outmatch most internet via satellite services for end consumers currently in the market. As hardware, the service will use the broadband satellite router Hughes HN9200 for Ka/Ku band with a 74 cm dish and a 1 watt transmitter.
"The end customer prices will be in the low price segment," says managing director Benthe Aßmann. Details regarding the costs and the satellite used will be announced in autumn. The offer will be commercialised throughout Europe.

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