viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

FCC moves ahead on satellite spectrum for terrestrial service plan

A key goal of the National Broadband Plan is to free up 500 MHz of new spectrum within 10 years for broadband service — and using satellite spectrum for terrestrial use is a key requirement for meeting that goal.

The NPRM involves 90 MHz of spectrum in three different bands that is currently licensed to satellite operators and would be capable of supporting terrestrial broadband service. Many of these companies are already allowed to use their spectrum terrestrially in areas where the satellite signal is attenuated or unavailable, but that option has not been widely implemented. The NPRM aims to change that by eliminating restrictions in certain frequency bands and by giving satellite operators greater flexibility to lease their spectrum to other carriers for terrestrial use.

The NOI seeks input on other steps the FCC might take to increase the use of satellite spectrum for terrestrial service. One idea mentioned in the NOI would be to allow licensees to give the spectrum back to the FCC for auction in exchange for a portion of the auction receipts or to relinquish spectrum rights to another party. One of those moves might make sense for DBSD Satellite Services (formerly New ICO Satellite Services), which launched a satellite in the 2 GHz band but does not yet offer service and is in the process of emerging from bankruptcy.

Neither the NRPM nor the NOI mentions the FCC’s previous recommendation that would have restricted the ability of the nation’s two largest wireless carriers (i.e., AT&T and Verizon) to operate terrestrial service in the satellite bands.

Two satellite operators — SkyTerra Communications and Globalstar — have plans to add a terrestrial broadband component to their offerings using the satellite spectrum, but according to the FCC neither has yet launched the terrestrial service. In addition, TerreStar Networks plans an integrated smartphone service based on a roaming arrangement with AT&T.

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