Recently, India has launched a remote sensing satellite Cartosat-2B into the space and it has captured few high quality images of Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh and Madurai in Tamil Nadu.
Cartosat-2B satellite is loaded with panchromatic camera, which has a high resolution of 0.8 metre, which means it is capable of taking images of small objects like cycles and mopeds on the road, and sheep and cattle grazing on meadows.
On 12th July 2010, Cartosat-2B along with four other satellites are launched by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C15) in the orbit from Sriharikota.
P. S. Veeraraghavan, Director, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) in Thiruvananthapuram, said after the launch it is established that Cartosat-2B is working properly and has taken large number of pictures of several Indian land masses.
He said that images are so fine that in Madurai, it shows the famous Meenakshi temple with its gopurams (towers), the railway junction and a running train, the airport with parked aircraft and it also show another temple situated in the centre of a tank.
Apart from Madurai, images of Allahabad displayed the fort in the town and the Triveni Sangam.
Another Launching vehicle, Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-F06) is in its second phase of launch from Sriharikota, as told by Mr. Veeraraghavan. This launching vehicle will put a communication satellite called GSAT-5B into the orbit.
PSLV-C16 will begin its four stages of launch in August. The rocket is designed to put three satellites namely; Resourcesat from Indis- 2, Youthsat from India and a satellite from Singapore.
As per VSSC director, GSLV-F06 will be launched in October and PSLV-C16 would be lifted two weeks after the launch of GSLV-F06.
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