miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

Lockheed Martin wins $71 million contract from General Dynamics

Lockheed Martin has won a contract from General Dynamics, as part of Warfighter Information Network-Tactical Increment 2, to provide communications hardware and equipment for the transmission subsystem. The transmission subsystem provides the foundation for the network's capability to transfer data over a dispersed non-contiguous area. This contract award is valued at $71 million, a multiple year contract expected to be approximately $400 million in total value.

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Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) will provide the network backbone that will link warfighters across the battlefield. The next iteration of WIN-T, Increment 2, will equip tactical commanders' vehicles with on-the-move broadband communications, enabling them to see and command the battle-space wherever the mission demands.
Under this contract, Lockheed Martin's team will produce tactical communications equipment that will be incorporated into a variety of combat vehicle platforms. Equipment produced will include transmission subsystem radios, modems, antennas and mast systems. The team will also contribute in the development and delivery of training courses to signal operators as WIN-T Increment 2 is fielded.
Lockheed Martin is teamed with General Dynamics, BAE Systems, Harris Corporation, and L-3 Communications on the WIN-T program.

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