With this last cluster of cheats for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for iPhone / iPod touch, you can make the days run as fast as you'd like. These cheats are perfect for catching up with random encounters that only appear during certain times of the day (there are 14 total random encounters in the game).
Rockstar announced the 3rd and final release of Cheats for their iPhone/iPod Touch blockbuster on February 3rd. We have them for you here. If you missed part one or two of GTA: CW iPhone/iPod Touch Cheats, you might want to take a peak at those as well because there are some some pretty cool things including a special weapon you can unlock.
Cheats are spelled out using the magnetized letters on the Mission Replay Board located in any Safe House.
Time cheats
Advance an hour - JUMPHR
Move forward an hour.
Advance a day - JUMPDAY
Move forward a whole day.
Advance six hours - JUMPHRS
Move forward six hours.
A cheat is entered successfully when all of the magnetized letters go back to their original position on the board and a piece of text appears at the bottom of the screen with the load-out name you selected.
Of course, you can de-activate any cheat reloading your previous save (just make sure not to overwrite your save with the cheat active).
Nice thank you!!