miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

Grand Theft Auto: CW Cheat Codes Part 2

Part 2 of Rockstar Games GTA: Chinatown Wars iphone/iPod cheats have arrived!

From Rockstar's website:

This set of Chinatown Wars “Player Cheats” will garner you additional cash, armor, health, wanted level fluctuation... and a special weapon that snuck its way in there.

Cheats are spelled out using the magnetized letters on the Mission Replay Board located in any Safe House.

Player Cheats

Money - CASHIN

$10,000 cash each time.

Armor - SHELLY

Gives you full armor.

Health - LIFEUP

Gives you full health.

Wanted level up - COPIN

Increase your wanted level.

Wanted level down -  COPOUT

Decrease your wanted level.

Explosive Eagle - BOOMCAN

An explosive-freakin'-pistol.

A cheat is entered successfully when all of the magnetized letters go back to their original position on the board and a piece of text appears at the bottom of the screen with the load-out name you selected.

Rockstar is saying there will be one more round of cheats.  Haven't played the game?  Read our review.

2 comentarios:

  1. thnx its really gonna come in handy

  2. all the weapon cheats work for me, but the misc. ones dont work when i try to put them in, since there is capital letters missing for the cheats the small letters move away.
    is this just me or is it happening for everyone ?
